Our Programs

Ocean Health Inquiry


This 5 hour curriculum-based program is all about ocean health – what it means and why it’s important. We discuss: the ocean, marine animals, seaweed, biodiversity, how the land and ocean have changed since they were originally cared for by First Peoples, and how we humans negatively impact the environment and subsequently ourselves. These discussions, along with hands-on investigative activities provide the platform for students to think about solutions to environmental problems, as well as how we can use First Peoples ancestral knowledge of the environment to understand environmental change and its implications.

Length: 5 hours
Cost: $1350/day
Maximum 30 students

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Students discuss how the ocean, land, and intertidal might have looked prior to colonization. Students learn about First Peoples’ rich history of living in harmony with the environment.


Students explore the intertidal zone and learn about animals and seaweed found in the intertidal. Students practice the scientific method by planning and carrying out a biodiversity experiment in the intertidal.


Students participate in hands-on experiments to learn about the physical properties of the ocean, how humans can inadvertently modify these physical properties, and discuss how this affects ocean life.


Students explore the idea of being a part of the natural environment, rather than separate from it. Students will explore the connections between environment, society, economy, culture, politics, and how their individual actions can affect all these domains.