“Lunch & Learn” Webinars
for Office Workers
& Community Event Outreach
Made possible by Metro Vancouver
With the support of Metro Vancouver, Ocean Ambassadors Canada (OAC) is providing outreach on single-use item reduction across the Metro Vancouver region in a variety of formats:

To register for a webinar for your office, please book a time on the calendar below. Once the time is confirmed, you will receive an email with the Zoom registration link to share with your office staff. Questions? Please email zerowaste@oceanambassadorscanada.org
Zero Waste Lunch & Learn webinars for offices:
Starting late August, we will be offering offices across Metro Vancouver the opportunity to register for a short, 45-minute Lunch & Learn webinar for their employees to learn about the growing problem of single-use item waste and simple steps they can take to do their part!
Topics covered include:
- Identifying current single-use item habits by employees.
- Providing the most current information on:
- Upcoming federal, provincial, and municipal regulations
- Regional waste management system logistics
- Most/least problematic single-use item materials, in terms of recyclability & compostability
- Marine impacts of single-use items
- Best practices for increasing reuse.
- Connection to local sharing platforms
- Planning and launching in-house waste reduction initiatives
Look out for OAC’s Outreach Booth at Community Events this summer & fall to learn how you can do your part to help our oceans & reduce your single-use item waste!
You’ll find us at events across Metro Vancouver, including:
- BC Dumpling Fest: Saturday, August 12th (Town Centre Park, Coquitlam)
- Steveston Dragonboat Festival: Saturday, August 19th (Imperial Landing, Richmond)
- PNE: Wednesday, August 23rd& Sunday, September 3rd
- UNA Neighbours Day: Saturday, September 9th (Wesbrook Community Centre, UBC)
- Shipyards Festival: Saturday, September 23rd (Shipyards, North Vancouver)
- UBC Apple Fest: Saturday & Sunday, October 14th& 15th (UBC Botanical Garden)
- Salmon Come Home: Sunday, October 22nd (Hoy Creek Linear Park, Coquitlam)
Calling all Volunteers! If you care about the health our ocean, we invite you to help us educate the public on how prevent marine litter at its source by volunteering. Learn more about the issue of single-use items and the circular economy from OAC staff and help spread the word at community events.
To volunteer, please visit our sign-up page on SignUpGenius.