Fall 2023 Program:
Virtual Zero Waste Coaching in York Region

Partially Sponsored by York Region

This Fall, Ocean Ambassadors Canada (OAC) is empowering York Region small businesses to move towards zero waste and prepare for upcoming federal and provincial single-use item regulations.
With support from our regional sponsor, OAC will provide free, virtual coaching sessions to 65 small businesses to help them make more sustainable choices and navigate changing single-use item regulations.
Zero Waste Coaching Sessions include:
- A short virtual meeting with businesses to review their waste-management practices, types of single-use items provided, and give information on best practices to minimize waste, maximize reuse, and keep organic waste out of the landfill.
- We follow up with an easy-to-read Zero Waste Report:
- Acknowledgement of what each business is doing well & suggestions for changes to reduce their waste.
- Details on the best reusable, recyclable and compostable options & items/materials to avoid.
- Summary of single-use item regulations
- Links to online resources, including sign, infographics, and helpful documents.
- List of local resources/service for York Region.
- Summary of local sharing platform services.
- Information on implementing food and organics waste system.
- We provide on-going support for businesses’ follow-up queries and staff education.
- Each participating business receives a "Moving Towards Zero Waste" window decal to let customers know they are taking steps to reduce their waste.
We invite small business owners and managers to contact our team to book your first consultation.
Please email our Zero Waste Coordinator at zerowaste@oceanambassadorscanada.org